Welcome to the website of the Belgian Foot and Ankle Society.
BFAS is a medical specialty society that aims to develop and improve the care of patients with injuries and diseases of the foot and ankle.
This website provides you with some information about our society.
We are happy to announce that BFAS can now also be found on social media. Follow us for new meetings and latest updates on LinkedIn & Twitter.
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EFAS Congress 2024 - Brussels, Belgium
17-18-19 October 2024
Venue: The EGG - Rue Bara 175, 1070 Bruxelles, Belgique
Dear BFAS members,
BFAS is proud to announce the program of the Pre-EFAS congres.
This will take place on Wednesday afternoon 14/10/24 in Brussels. This is the day before the EFAS congress.
We are very happy to have been able to invite international top speakers for engaging talks
Theme: Innovation that will last.
Moderators: Geoffroy Vandeputte and Laurent Goubau
13.30 Welcome and Introduction: Kris Buedts (EFAS president) and Laurent Goubau (BFAS president)
13.40 How innovation in Materials and Techniques in Forefoot Surgery has changed my practice in the last 10years, or not? - Manfred Thomas
13.55 Discussion
14.00 How innovation in understanding the sagittal plane has changed my practice in the last 10 years, or not?- Manuel Monteagudo
14.15 Discussion
14.20 How innovation in distal tibia osteotomy has changed my practice in the last 10years, or not? - Jean Brilhault
14.35 Discussion
14.40 How innovation in TAR has changed my practice in the last 10years, or not? - Tim Daniels
15.00 Coffee Break
15.15 How innovation in TAR and TAA has changed my practice in the last 10 years, or not? - Pascal Rippstein
15.30 Discussion
15.35 How innovation in MIS fusions has changed my practice in the last 10years, or not? - Alastair Younger
15.50 Discussion
15.55 Travelling fellowship 1
16.10 Travelling fellowship 2
16.25 Travelling fellowship 3
16.40 End of BFAS pré-congress
17.00 EFAS run (to be confirmed)
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